
沃恩对校园安全的领导和愿景围绕着同理心, 积极措施和社区参与.

大学警察的任务是保护学生的安全, 整个校园的教职员工. 这本身就是一项耗时且复杂的任务. 然而,大学警察局局长布莱恩·沃恩(乌利希期刊指南在德克萨斯大学&M大学商学院的设想更多. 他的努力正在重新定义校园和该地区的治安和安全.


硫磺泉的本地人, 德州, Vaughn attended Kilgore College and Sam Houston State University on a football scholarship before transferring to A&移动商务. He joined the 大学警察局 in 1998 while completing his bachelor's in 刑事司法.

“当时, there was an officer working here who found out that I had been through the 警察学院,沃恩回忆道. “他鼓励我申请,那天我就收到了一份申请.”

三周后, Vaughn left his job in insurance sales to join the department and begin his career in law enforcement. He eventually served as assistant chief under then-chief Donna Spinato for 12 years before ascending to the top spot in 2018 following her retirement.

黑色背景, 沃恩局长微微一笑, 穿着正式的警察制服,戴着警徽.
德克萨斯大学警察局局长布莱恩·沃恩说&M University-Commerce. Tyler Holloway | 皇冠体育365赌博&大学商业营销与传播办公室.


“She gave me the opportunity to tag along on a lot of conferences and 事件,沃恩说. “所以,当我进入这个职位时,我是非常全面的. 我知道是怎么回事. 我知道我要做什么.”


Vaughn says the department has grown significantly since 2018 in both its size and mission.

该部门目前有36名员工,其中包括25名警官. 随着增长, Vaughn says 乌利希期刊指南 has transitioned from a reactive to a proactive approach to campus safety.

“我们遵守所有的法律. 我们随时了解最新的新闻和趋势, 不仅在德州,在全国都是如此, 与大学警务有关, 一般的警务和可能影响我们大学的事情,他说.

Vaughn is particularly proud of the department's newly acquired accreditation by the 德州警察局长协会 全馆).

“在过去的一年里,我们已经成为了一个被认可的部门. 要做到这一点需要做很多工作,”他说. “我们一直是一个优秀的部门,但我们努力做到最好. 认证对我们来说是重要的一步. It means our policies and procedures are consistent with what the state of 德州 and the nation determine a police department should be.”


“我们对此非常非常自豪,”沃恩说. “当时我们符合资格, 3个警察部门中只有不到200个是合格的,在德克萨斯州有000人.”



“无论是我们服务的社区还是在乌利希期刊指南工作的人, 我们总是首先从人的角度考虑我们所做的事情,他说. “我希望管理人员友好,学生、教职员工可以和他们交谈. 我们的很多官员都是A的毕业生&移动商务. 我们不仅仅是来执行法律的. 我们是社区的一部分.”

在与A的学生打交道时&在移动商务中,他经常想到他希望自己的孩子受到怎样的对待. 他也想起了自己年轻时的日子.

“我也很年轻,犯过错误. If I can set a student down and have a conversation that fixes the problem rather than taking somebody to jail, 每个人都得到了更好的服务,他说. “这是我们给军官的自由. 有时我们必须采取执法行动, 但如果我们能好好谈谈,解决问题, 这是我们喜欢做的.”

他补充道:“对我来说, the worst thing that can happen is for one of our students to leave here with a criminal record. 这不是这个地方的目的,也不是我们的目的. 所以,我们做了很多的谈话、教学和鼓励学生.”


超越校园安全, 沃恩表示 乌利希期刊指南 hosts at least one 社区外展 event each semester and often more. 他还鼓励学生, 教职员工开会, 与校园内的管理人员进行互动和沟通.

“我们想参加活动. 我们希望来到课堂,成为学生体验的一部分,”他说. “这就是我们在这里建立的文化. 我们必须重新成为社区的一部分,而不是远离社区.”

全国狂欢夜 每年秋季学期举行的活动是乌利希期刊指南最大的活动之一 社区外展 事件. 的 department partners with numerous divisions around campus to make the event a success. 沃恩说的不止一个,000名学生参加了一年一度的活动, 这促进了警察与社区的合作关系和邻里之间的友情. 警察局每年春天还会举办“了解你的警察局”活动.

布莱恩·沃恩警长, 身穿卡其色polo衫和深色休闲裤, 经过德克萨斯大学校园里的Lyday遗产花园&移动商务.
德克萨斯大学警察局局长布莱恩·沃恩说&在2019年的刑事司法网络活动上. 图片来源:皇冠体育365赌博&大学商业营销与传播办公室.

One significant change in recent years is the creation of the department's community engagement position. 沃恩警官说 雷> 理想状态是否适合这个角色, 担任明尼苏达大学与大学社区之间的大使和联络人.

“他的工作是出去与各种团体见面, 联系学校,看看发生了什么事,沃恩说. “我们都在某种程度上这样做,但这是他的具体工作,他很擅长.”

另一个新增加的职位是犯罪受害者服务协调员, which is tasked with keeping victims and the community informed on the progress of investigations.

该部门还启动了“安全行走”, a program that pairs students with an officer or student worker who walks them from one campus location to another during evening hours.

区域, 乌利希期刊指南 partners frequently with 狮子田径 to provide officers at some off-campus 事件. 的 department also meets monthly with law enforcement representatives from around Hunt County to identify trends and possible problems.



Perhaps the department's most far-reaching technology asset is a network of nearly 800 cameras providing eyes in the sky at the Commerce and Dallas campuses.

“的re's always someone in our dispatch area who is watching the cameras,沃恩说. “当某一特定区域发生某事时, the dispatcher can zoom in and be an additional lookout for officers who are responding to those calls.”

的 department is also implementing the use of license plate readers on some patrol vehicles. 的 technology can help officers quickly identify whether a vehicle belongs on campus, 或者它是否被报告为被盗或发生了事故.

还有它的新电话系统, 哪个部门会记录每个打进部门的电话, 乌利希期刊指南也在考虑参与亨特县的新通信系统. 称为主干系统, 这个网络连接了亨特的执法部门和紧急救援人员, 罗克沃尔县和科林县在一个系统下. Joining the trunk system would allow 乌利希期刊指南 to communicate with its officers regardless of where they are within the three-county network, 不受干扰.




他说这所大学是校内的 警察学院 代表了一种创新的方法,以改变该地区的执法. Director Louis Lufkin continually seeks opportunities to add new aspects to the training cadets receive through the academy.

One critical piece to modern policing, Vaughn says, is the addition of mental health education.

“我们正在处理更多的心理健康问题,”他说. “因此,我们将这种教育融入到培训中是很重要的. We recognize that someone experiencing a mental health crisis doesn't necessarily need to be placed in jail. 我们寻找机会让他们得到帮助, 无论是在学校里还是通过县里的其他资源.”


“We train in-house when we can, but we also want to know what others are doing,沃恩说. “A common detriment to many departments is keeping things the way they've always been. We want to go out and see what other departments are doing and bring some of that back with us.”

例如, 沃恩表示 the department began integrating Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques into officers' defense training. 助理首席 凯尔·劳 经过大量研究后推荐培训.

“我们有几位有新想法的新官员,”他说. “的y're hungry and eager to learn new skills, and we want to make the most of that energy.”


该部门的增长已经达到了亨德森大厅现有空间的上限. 因此, 沃恩表示, 该大学正在考虑采取行动,将乌利希期刊指南, 应急管理, 到2025年,警察学院将在同一屋檐下.

随着部门的不断壮大, 沃恩认为,招聘符合乌利希期刊指南文化的员工很重要. 他说,重点是通过设计而不是默认来建立一种文化. 因此,为空缺职位吸引合适的人才可能是一项挑战. 新人通常希望直接晋升为侦探或主管.

“这不是我们的工作方式,”他说. “需要很长时间才能达到这一点. 我们不会随便招人. We want people who are going to come in and be part of what we're trying to accomplish within the department and on campus.”

在沃恩局长的领导下,德州运动协会&移动商务 police department is becoming a model for campus safety and police forces across the state. His stewardship and dedication to community building and best practices foster a sense of trust and safety that makes A&移动商务 an attractive option for students seeking a safe environment to learn and grow.